Flashback Friday: Henry Radcliffe Convalescent Home, Trevereux Hill

Now Trevereux Hill’s Chart Ridge, Limpsfield Chart, the Henry Radcliffe Convalescent Home, formerly Charing Cross Auxiliary Hospital was one of several auxiliary hospitals and convalescent homes around Limpsfield and Oxted.

This imposing building perched on the ridge and looking south over the Weald was originally the Passmore Edwards Convalescent Home for Charing Cross Hospital, opened on 11th July 1896 by the Prince of Wales (who became Edward VII), accompanied by the Princess of Wales and Princess Victoria.

It had 50 beds – 20 for men, 20 for women and 10 for children and would be used by patients who had been discharged from London’s Charing Cross Hospital, but needed a period of convalescence.

During WW1 it became an auxiliary military hospital with 100 beds, but closed shortly after due to financial constraints.  It was bought by shipping company owner, Henry Radcliffe, who offered it to the newly formed Merchant Seamen’s War Memorial Society, who transformed the house into a well-equipped convalescent home that was opened as the Henry Radcliffe Convalescent Home by the Duke of York (George VI) in July 1920.

The Home provided nursing care for seamen who had been injured or become ill while at sea and had 28 beds, four of which were set aside for stewardesses and 15 places for permanent residents – returned seafarers who had been in the profession for a minimum of 25 years.

A small community of retired seafarers also lived with their wives as guests of the Home in 8 small bungalows near to the main house.

In 1963 the home closed and was sold in 1967 to the Marie Curie Memorial Foundation for use as a research facility. It remained as such until 2010 when it was bought by Millgate Homes for redevelopment.


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