30 Days Wild…get closer to nature this june

This June, The Wildlife Trust is once again running 30 Days Wild, its programme to bring us all closer to nature and encourage everyone to help wildlife survive and thrive in our own local communities.

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Half Term Nature Spotting around Limpsfield Common & Limpsfield Chart

This half term holiday, why not spend some time in Limpsfield Common or on Limpsfield Chart getting to know some of the amazing wildlife, flowers, plants and trees we have on our doorstep. In the article below we have a few things you can look out for and some handy spotter charts from Wildlife Watch.

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Last chance to trim your hedges before nesting season!

It is very important that you keep hedges maintained and properly cut back if any part of the hedge borders a pavement of footpath and it is YOUR responsibility to keep it trimmed back to the point that it doesn’t encroach over the footpath / pavement / road and obstruct or risk injury to passers by. Hedges should ideally be trimmed from October to March, then left alone to avoid disturbing nesting birds. So get trimming!

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How to help wildlife by creating nature corridors in your own back garden…

Many wild animals and birds are struggling to survive and thrive, but particularly in urban or semi-urban areas where it can be hard for them to safely move around. There are lots of ways you can help them by working with your neighbours to create links between gardens in your road, and also links between your garden to local green spaces, rivers, streams and woodland…

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