Tell the friends of Limpsfield common what you think

The brilliant Friends of Limpsfield Common (FOLC), a not for profit organisation that works with the National Trust to support the conservation, care and enjoyment of Limpsfield Common, have a favour to ask… that you fill in their survey on your thoughts about Limpsfield Common.

In 2020, FOLC undertook an extensive survey, asking local people what they liked and didn’t like about Limpsfield Common.

To their amazement, they had over 1,000 replies. All of the comments were collated and they have since worked hard to raise funds and deliver the priorities that came from the survey.

They would now love to hear from you as a follow up to the original questionnaire.

Please fill this quick survey and let us know what you like/dislike and what can be improved (your answers will be anonymous).

There will also be hard copies of the survey at the Chart Fair on 23rd June and Limpsfield Village Fete on 29th June.

The survey will close on 31st July 2024 Please use the link in our bio.

Thank you.

Please note, Friends of Limpsfield Common Annual Meeting will be held on 28th September at St Andrew’s Hall. Lots of interesting updates on their work, with refreshments and a chance to chat to your local ranger, volunteers and maybe sign up as a volunteer yourself….?

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