30 Days Wild…get closer to nature this june

This June, The Wildlife Trust is once again running 30 Days Wild, its programme to bring us all closer to nature and encourage everyone to help wildlife survive and thrive in our own local communities.

There’s so much you and your friends and family, colleagues or community group can do to promote biodiversity and help wildlife, and WE have signed up to 30 Days Wild so that YOU can benefit from all the information and ideas!

Embrace the outdoors with The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild challenge! Imagine a month dedicated to exploring the wonders of nature, from the majestic red kites soaring above to the humble bees buzzing in our gardens.

Iolo Williams, Vice President of The Wildlife Trusts and Wildlife TV Presenter

Easy thingS you can create at home

Click on, print or save these great little “how to” graphics that are easy to follow and show you how to:

  • make simple compost
  • build a mini wildlife pond
  • make a simple bird feeder
  • build bug hotel
  • make nest box
  • create wild garden

Get out into the outdoors every day – into your garden, local park, green space, woodland or anywhere where nature is around you.

Use these brilliant spotter sheets to learn about different types of plants, trees, bird, insects and other animals

Smell the flowers, listen to the sounds, get to know nature.

It’s easy. Use the downloads for ideas and get wild for June!

More info and ideas and calendars on our Limpsfield Biodiversity Corner page.

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